
Various kinds of downloads.


MobileTechCon 2012 (Sep 05, 2012)

Slides for my talk at MobileTechCon 2012 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany (talk was held in German, so slides are (mostly) in German as well)

Deskop? Mobile? Unify!

MobileTechCon 2011 (Sep 13 & 14, 2011)

Slides for my talks at MobileTechCon 2011 in Mainz, Germany (talks were held in German, so slides are (mostly) in German as well)

Sencha Touch & PhoneGap iEnterprise - Mit HTML5 zum Unternehmens-Dashboard für Tablets

MobileTechCon 2011 SE (Mar 30, 2011)

Slides for my talks at MobileTechCon 2011 Spring Edition in Munich, Germany (talks were held in German, so slides are (mostly) in German as well)

Sencha Touch & PhoneGap CSS3 Media Queries to the Rescue

Mobile Unconference (Nov 15, 2010)

Slides for my talk at Mobile Unfonference in Düsseldorf, Germany

Mobile Widgets

WebTechCon 2010 (Oct 11, 2010)

Slides for my talks at WebTechCon 2010 in Mainz, Germany (talks were held in German, so slides are in German as well)

Integration von geräteabhängigen APIs in Mobile Widgets (kurze Einführung) Mobile Widgets - Eine Einführung

MobileTechCon 2010 (Sep 08, 2010)

Slides for my talk at MobileTechCon 2010 in Mainz, Germany (talk was held in German, so slides are in German as well)

Integration von geräteabhängigen APIs in Mobile Widgets

Software Development

JIL Widget Code

Code completion for JIL widgets outside the JIL SDK (see this post for more information)
