Meet & Greet

Here you'll find a list of events (e.g. conferences, barcamps etc.) that I will attend (or attended). So if you want to talk JavaScript, (Mobile) Web, React, Shell scripts or any other (nerd related) stuff or just grab some beers, reach out.

Upcomming events

I don't have anything planned for the near future, but you never know.

Past events

JSConfEU 2019

MobileTechCon 2012 (Speaker)

Mobilism 2012

SourceDevCon 2012

MobileTechCon 2011

Mobilism 2011

MobileTechCon 2011 - Spring Edition (Speaker)

Mobile UnConference 2010

WebTechCon 2010 (Speaker)

MobileTechCon 2010 (Speaker)